Collaboration and Communication: Keys to Effective Plan Management

Collaboration and Communication: Keys to Effective Plan Management

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to provide support and services to people living with disabilities, enabling them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. Eligible participants get funding from the NDIS that can be utilised to
purchase disability support and services. By effectively managing their NDIS funding, participants can access a wide range of support and services to help them achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. To make the most out of their NDIS funding, many participants opt for Plan Management support, where a third-party provider helps manage their funds on their behalf. Plan Managers handle administrative tasks such as paying invoices, keeping records, and managing budgets, offering participants greater flexibility, and reducing administrative burden.

Collaboration and communication are very important for achieving the best outcomesfrom plan management support. Plan Management often involves collaboration with Support Coordinators who assist participants in navigating the NDIS system, accessing appropriate
supports, and coordinating services. The plan managers help the participants to maintain open lines of communication with service providers and support coordinators. They also ensure that support and services are delivered on time and aligned with the participant’s goals and preferences. This minimises duplication of services, reduces gaps in support, and enhances the overall efficiency of plan management. By regularly communicating with the participant and their support network, plan managers can stay informed about changes in the participant’s circumstances, evolving needs, or emerging goals. This will help to make adjustments as needed to ensure that the NDIS support remains relevant and effective over time.
Plan Guard Plan Managers are dedicated to simplifying the NDIS journey for individuals living with disabilities. Our experienced and compassionate team of plan managers works tirelessly to ensure that participants receive the support they need to make the most out of their NDIS funding. Contact us today to learn more about our NDIS Plan Management services.

