NDIS Explained: The Role and Responsibilities of the NDIS Commission

NDIS Explained: The Role and Responsibilities of the NDIS Commission

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established with the aim of enhancing the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. The NDIS Commission supervises the registration and regulation of providers, ensuring that the NDIS Practice Standards and Code of Conduct are strictly followed. The Commission also handles complaints about NDIS support and services. They are responsible for investigating reportable incidents and promptly addressing reports of mistreatment and neglect experienced by NDIS participants. Hence the NDIS Commission plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of NDIS participants along with safeguarding the quality of NDIS supports.

The NDIS Commission functions independently from the NDIA and is not in charge of regulating the NDIA. Any grievances regarding the functioning of the NDIA or participant plans must be made directly to the NDIA itself. The NDIS Commission has the responsibility of not only providing guidance to providers on their obligations but also ensuring that participant’s choice and control are upheld at all times. Also, the Commission oversees and regulates the use of restrictive practices, with the aim of reducing and ultimately eliminating them. As part of its responsibility of ensuring the safety of NDIS participants, the Commission has implemented a nationwide NDIS Worker Screening Check and has the responsibility of maintaining an NDIS Worker Screening Database.

Plan Guard  is a registered NDIS plan management service provider. We are committed to protecting the rights of our participants and ensuring that they have choice and control over the various support and services available to them. We understand the significance of our role as a registered NDIS service provider and strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations laid down by the NDIS Commission. Contact us today to know more about our plan management services.

