NDIS Explained: What are Capacity Building Supports?

NDIS Explained: What are Capacity Building Supports?

Capacity building supports budget help the participants to access support and services that are designed to build independence and enhance their skills. The funding is divided across nine sub-categories and is included in a participant’s plan according to their goals and disability needs. Since a participant’s NDIS plan and funding are tailored based on need, they won’t necessarily obtain funding for all nine categories. The capacity building supports budget is not flexible like the Core supports budget which means participants cannot transfer funding from one sub-category to another. Still, participants have choice and control over the way they prioritise their funding within each sub-category.  The Capacity building budget is divided into the following sub-categories:

  • Support Coordination
  • Improved Living Arrangements (CB Home Living)
  • Increased Social & Community Participation (CB Social Community and Civic Participation)
  • Finding & Keeping a Job (CB Employment)
  • Improved Relationships (CB Relationships)
  • Improved Health & Wellbeing (CB Health and Wellbeing)
  • Improved Learning (CB Lifelong Learning)
  • Improved Life Choices (CB Choice and Control)
  • Improved Daily Living (CB Daily Activity)

Participants can access the services of a plan manager using the funding included under Improved Life Choices (CB Choice and Control). Asking for plan management in your NDIS plan will help you expand your choice of service providers for any NDIS support. Experienced plan managers can help you manage and monitor your NDIS funds along with ensuring prompt payment of all your provider invoices.  Plan Guard plan managers can help you access plan management services in your NDIS plan which will take away the stress of having to manage multiple provider payments and keeping track of your budget spending. We are equipped with the skills and experience necessary to resolve any issue regarding your NDIS funding. Contact us today to know more about our plan management services.

