The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has always paved the way for a more inclusive and supportive future for people with disabilities. In order to maintain high standards of care and to ensure that participants receive supports that are value for money, the
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has released its revised pricing arrangements. The Annual Pricing Review (APR) 2022-2023 was released on 16 th June 2023. The pricing changes will be reflected in the participant’s NDIS plan from July onwards. The main focus of the APR is to acknowledge the higher expenses incurred by providers due to the recent decision by the Fair Work Commission to raise award wages in the previous month.
Maintaining fair and transparent policies related to pricing is important to create a support system that benefits the participants, providers as well as the overall disability sector. The new pricing structure released by the NDIA has increased the charges for supports
delivered by disability support workers and Level 1 Support Coordinators. Now, the cost of their services will be increased by 5.3%. But the price limits for Therapy Supports, Support Co-ordinators (Category 2 & 3) and Plan Managers will not be undergoing any changes. This
will help the participants to continue accessing plan management services which will help them to utilise their NDIS funding effectively.
Plan Guard Plan Managers will continue providing essential plan management support to individuals with disabilities across Australia and work towards an inclusive future for our participants while keeping them updated about all the latest changes happening with
the NDIS. We are a registered plan management service provider with extensive expertise in the NDIS and disability sector. As a service provider, we are constantly striving to make a positive impact in the lives of people with disabilities. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you in your NDIS journey. NDIS Plan Management services are avail at Rockingham, Margaret River, Kalgoorlie, Geraldton, Kwinana , Denmark, Northam, Broome, Carnarvon, Perth, South West, Albany, Mandurah, Bunbury,Busselton, Geraldton, Broome, Kununurra, Narrogin.